What I’ve Learned-Jewish Studies

Helloo! It’s me! Bianca!

Over the past… 3 weeks or so we’ve been learning about Bar/Bat mitzvahs, Tefillin and Tallits.  So what have I learned?

Bar mitzvah

-An event that happens when a male reaches the age of 13

-A male reads from the Torah

-It is a mitzvah

What I found interesting:

-Means son of the commandment in Aramaic

Bat mitzvah

-An event that happens when a female reaches the age of 12, or sometimes 13

-It is a mitzvah

-Means daughter of the commandment in Aramaic and Hebrew

What I found interesting:

-A girl doesn’t usually read from the Torah


-Two boxes that contain Torah verses

-You wrap it around your arms

-You put the box for the head on your head

What I found interesting:

-It symbolizes actions and thoughts


-Jewish prayer shawl(After 2nd temple was destroyed)

-Has tzitzit on the corners

-Typically made of wool or silk

What I found interesting:

-Some communities started a tradition where females started wearing them, too

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