Innovation Day Reflection

Hello! It’s me, Bianca, your favourite blogger👍!

After Innovation day, which showcased some filtration projects(which my partner and I did), or other custom projects, I started to think about how my project with my partner, Maya, could have been better, changed, etc. Before I started, I didn’t know how much hard work it would be. I think we did well in terms of the research on our chosen country, Eritrea. We researched what the country had or didn’t have a lot of. We also did well on the presentation part. There was a lot of information, including a chart of the results. 

We could have maybe organized the information a little better, because some things were arranged all over the place and your eyes would be looking everywhere. 

We tried to make our project aesthetically pleasing, and appealing. While good work contains good content, and research, that doesn’t restrict the creativity you can put in! As a creative person, I love to add my own elements to make a presentation ‘glow’ more.

Our biggest challenge/barrier was figuring out how to incorporate all of the components into our presentation, to make it all fit together and flow well. I think I worked very well with my partner and she helped a lot with the research and experiment. For some things, I work better alone, but for other things, I work better with a partner.

I would probably plan a little better next time. We attached things onto the bristle board pretty late, and that led to it being very full. In terms of the actual presentation on Canva, we had lots of time and we did it pretty fast.

After presenting to the judges, I was very relieved and I think my partner and I did well with explaining everything thoroughly. I look forward to participating in Innovation Day again next year!


Thanks for reading my post!


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