Innovation Day 2024 Reflection

Innovation day was a great experience for me. I learned about the 6 simple machines;The lever, the pulley, the screw, the wedge, the inclined plane and the wheel and axle. I learned about woodworking, innovating and brainstorming. The task to build a sled and incorporate simple machines was very creative and fun. The sled that my partner and I made included the inclined plane, the screw and the wheel and axle. I also learned how to be more comfortable presenting with bullet points and the importance of practicing. My partner and I had que cards, but not a script. After practicing presenting a few times, we had a lot memorized and only had to glance at our cards a few times.

These were the materials to build our sled:

Next time I would search for cushioning to put on the seat of the sled to make it more comfortable and I would add a backing to lean on. I would also make the PVC pipes connecting the bottom of the sled to the skis shorter, so that the whole sled would be closer to the ground and therefore be more stable.

Overall, Innovation day taught me a lot and I hope to have more projects like this where you get to unleash your creativity and design thinking skills in the future.


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