wearing a mask-response to Dr.Klitzman article.


Wearing a mask is uncomfortable, because it is something always covering your face.

My experience of wearing a mask is sometimes i see people not wearing a mask, and once i was just walking in my neighborhood, so i didn’t wear a mask, and my brothers friend came up super close to me so i’m like  woah…back off.


I agree with Dr Klitzman when he stated “Masks can be uncomfortable and hot.”

I am usually very hot in them, because it is like a scarf wrapped around your neck.


I disagree with Dr Klitzman when he said “they can hide facial expressions.”I disagree because we can see facial expressions with the eyes and eyebrows. And wearing a mask is a small sacrifice for our safety.

So my final opinion on wearing masks is, it can be uncomfortable, but I wear it for other people’s safety.


Here is a link to the article about Dr Klitzmans experience about mask-wearing.

The digestive system

hello! it’s me! your favourite blogger.😁

The digestive system is where your food gets processed.

When you eat, the food goes down your throat. Then, it goes down your esophagus (Es-O-Fo-Gus). then it finally comes down into your stomach. Your stomach has acid inside. The acid dissolves your food, and when it is done, it goes to your small intestines. that’s where it dissolves your food even more. The small intestine is actually very long compared to the large intestine. The large intestine is LARGE, obviously, but short. It takes out all the water from your food. well this process is being done, nutrients is taken out to everywhere in your body. when the food is done, it goes into your rectum, and then to your anus to poop it out.